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Christopher Howell

Christopher Howell

Christopher Howell Christopher Howell’s latest collection of poems, Gaze, was released this spring by Milkweed Editions. His new and selected volume, Dreamless and Possible, published by the University of Washington Press in 2010, encompasses three decades of...
Susan J. Erickson

Susan J. Erickson

Susan J. Erickson Susan J. Erickson admits to “multiple personality syndrome” having assumed the persona of a host of women in her poems in Lauren Bacall Shares a Limousine.  She lives in Bellingham, WA, and helped establish the Sue C. Boynton Poetry Walk and Contest....
Elisa Carlsen

Elisa Carlsen

poets map about shows contact Elisa Carlsen Elisa Carlsen grew up in Humboldt County, Nevada. An outsider artist and poet, Elisa’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Trumpeter, Cirque, Brushfire, Nevada Arts Council, Oranges Journal, and elsewhere. Elisa’s...
Karen Mobley

Karen Mobley

Karen Mobley Karen Mobley is free range but not a chicken. She earned the Dabbler badge in Girl Scouts has been working at it ever since.  She is a visual artist, poet and arts consultant.   Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies including WA129 (edited by Tod...
Kathryn Hunt

Kathryn Hunt

poets map about shows contact Kathryn Hunt I live on the coast of the Salish Sea. My poems have appeared in Narrative, Orion, Missouri Review, Rattle, Terrain, Radar, and Carolina Quarterly. My poetry collection Long Way Through Ruin was published by Blue Begonia...