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Angel Latterell

Angel Latterell

Angel Latterell Angel Latterell, JD, PMP, LAP has defined herself professionally as an Attorney and Project Manager, having earned a degree in Philosophy, Classical history and Law. Angel’s love of language has also led her to become a poet, writer and playwright....
Greg Gerding

Greg Gerding

Greg Gerding Greg Gerding began writing in 1994 at age 22 and cut his teeth reading at open mics in the DC area. He started a weekly open mic in bar Hell (Adams Morgan) which he ran for two years. The poems Greg reads here are selections from his book, Loser Makes...
Shankar Narayan

Shankar Narayan

Shankar Narayan I am an immigrant, activist, long-distance son, teacher, and person of color living in America. I create voice to tell others’ stories and my own with the integrity and fire they deserve. My day job working to protect the civil liberties of America’s...
Taneum Bambrick

Taneum Bambrick

poets map about shows contact Taneum Bambrick Taneum Bambrick (she/they) is the author of Intimacies, Received (Copper Canyon Press, Sept 2022) and Vantage, which was selected by Sharon Olds for the 2019 American Poetry Review/Honickman first book award (APR 2019)....
Sharie Kelley

Sharie Kelley

Sharie Kelley I attended eighteen public schools and eleven institutions of higher learning, yet, I struggle with verb tenses.  Probably one of the reasons I struggle is because the verb tenses of my Southern upbringing have stuck with me.  Speaking of my Southern...