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upcoming shows

Information about upcoming shows can be found below. If you would like to bring “Pictures of Poets” to your institution, contact dean@deandavis.com.

Friday, January 20th through Sunday, April 2nd

The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture – Helen South Alexander Gallery

A collection of 13 large-scale, intimate portraits of poets from around the Northwest and beyond paired with audio recordings from the poet’s own breath.


2316 West First Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201

past shows

MARCH 21 – APRIL 14, 2019

Mercersburg Academy

A collection of 12 large scale, intimate portraits of poets from around the Northwest and beyond paired with audio recordings from the poet’s own breath.

Burgin Center for the Arts, Cofrin Gallery
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300 E. Seminary Street
Mercersburg, PA 17236