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Jack Radosevich aka. Bushwakkr

Jack Radosevich aka. Bushwakkr

Jack Radosevich aka. Bushwakkr Jack Radosevich is a lifelong resident of the Yakima Valley. He grew up on his family’s fruit orchard in Tieton and now lives in Yakima with his wife Judy. They are empty nesters who visit their daughters and grandkids in Seattle every...
Kristin Berger

Kristin Berger

poets map about shows contact Kristin Berger Kristin Berger was born in Detroit, Michigan, and raised in the surrounding suburbs and in the lakes and woods of Northern Michigan. She received a BA in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University, and moved to the...
Jonathan Johnson

Jonathan Johnson

Jonathan Johnson Jonathan Johnson’s poems have been anthologized in Best American Poetry, published widely in magazines, and read on NPR. His books include the poetry collections May Is an Island (Carnegie Mellon, 2018), In the Land We Imagined Ourselves(Carnegie...
Devin Devine

Devin Devine

Devin Devine Devin Devine is an internationally touring road rat. A writer, comedian, sex worker, and performer from Spokane, Washington. She is one of the former organizers for Spokane Poetry Slam and a member of Spokane’s 2015, 2017, and 2018 National Poetry...
Scot Siegel

Scot Siegel

poets map about shows contact Scot Siegel Scot Siegel is the author of three full-length poetry collections and three poetry chapbooks. His most recent full-length volumes are: The Constellation of Extinct Stars and Other Poems (Salmon Poetry, 2016) and Thousands Flee...