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Raúl Sánchez

Raúl Sánchez

Raúl Sánchez Raúl is the former City of Redmond Poet Laureate 2019-2021. He was a member of (WITS), Writers In The Schools through Seattle Arts and Lectures. Currently, a poetry mentor at Denny and Mercer International Middle Schools through the Jack Straw Cultural...
Natalie Peeterse

Natalie Peeterse

Natalie Peeterse Natalie Peeterse has an MFA from the University of Montana. She is the editor of Bright Bones: Contemporary Montana Writing and Verde Que Te Quiero Verde: Poems after Federico Garcia Lorca. She was included in I Go to the Ruined Place: Contemporary...
Erin Schmidt

Erin Schmidt

Erin Schmidt Erin Schmidt is a teacher writer, poet, artist and enthusiast of mythical creatures. She loves to inspire students to be their best, glittering and neon-colored selves. She has been featured in many secret publications at Spokane Public Montessori Middle...
Terry Martin

Terry Martin

Terry Martin An avid reader and writer, Terry Martin has published hundreds of poems, essays, and articles, and three poetry books—The Light You Find (Blue Begonia Press, 2014), The Secret Language of Women (2006), and Wishboats (2000). She has also edited journals,...
Travis Naught

Travis Naught

Travis Naught Travis Laurence Naught is an author who happens to be a quadriplegic wheelchair user. He graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, 2005, and continued to complete graduate coursework in Sports Psychology, 2007. Travis spent...