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Shankar Narayan

Shankar Narayan

Shankar Narayan I am an immigrant, activist, long-distance son, teacher, and person of color living in America. I create voice to tell others’ stories and my own with the integrity and fire they deserve. My day job working to protect the civil liberties of America’s...
Sharie Kelley

Sharie Kelley

Sharie Kelley I attended eighteen public schools and eleven institutions of higher learning, yet, I struggle with verb tenses.  Probably one of the reasons I struggle is because the verb tenses of my Southern upbringing have stuck with me.  Speaking of my Southern...
Sierra Golden

Sierra Golden

Sierra Golden Sierra Golden’s debut collection The Slow Art won the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize and was published by Bear Star Press in 2018. Her poems appear in literary journals such as Prairie Schooner, Permafrost, and Ploughshares. Although Washington state is...
Stephen Pitters

Stephen Pitters

Stephen Pitters Stephen Pitters holds Masters degrees in Clinical Social Work from Simmons School of Social Work, Boston Massachusetts and University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. He has a Teaching Certificate from Gonzaga University. He taught stress and...
Susan Blair aka. Perri the Poetry Fairy

Susan Blair aka. Perri the Poetry Fairy

Susan Blair aka. Perri the Poetry Fairy Susan Blair is a poet, writer, arts event organizer and award-winning speaker.  Her chapbook, “What Remains of a Life,” was published in 2018 by Finishing Line Press.  She also writes poetry for children and appears...