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Joannie Stangeland

Joannie Stangeland

poets map about shows contact Joannie Stangeland Joannie Stangeland is the author of several poetry collections, most recently The Scene You See. Her chapbook A Steady Longing for Flight won the inaugural Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award, and she received the 2019...
Joanna Thomas

Joanna Thomas

Joanna Thomas JOANNA THOMAS is a collage artist and poet, whose work has been exhibited in museums, universities, and galleries across the nation, including the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art in Florida, the New World Art Center in New York, Kent State University in...
Greg Gerding

Greg Gerding

Greg Gerding Greg Gerding began writing in 1994 at age 22 and cut his teeth reading at open mics in the DC area. He started a weekly open mic in bar Hell (Adams Morgan) which he ran for two years. The poems Greg reads here are selections from his book, Loser Makes...
Brooke Matson

Brooke Matson

Brooke Matson Brooke Matson is a poet and book artist in Spokane, Washington, where she is the executive director of Spark Central, a non-profit dedicated to igniting creativity, innovation, and imagination. Eight years of teaching and mentoring at-risk youth deepened...
Elissa Ball

Elissa Ball

Elissa Ball Elissa Ball is a poet and non-fiction writer from Yakima, WA. She reads tarot cards (as Hit the Deck Tarot) and discusses astrology (as Space Witch). Elissa’s writing has appeared in Seattle Weekly, City Arts Magazine, The Yakima Herald-Republic, The...