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Susan Johnson

Susan Johnson

Susan Johnson Susan Johnson writes in Roslyn, Washington, her home of forty years. Her work has appeared in Earth’s Daughters, Raven Chronicles, Yakima Coffeehouse Poets, Windfall, Cirque, Rise Up Review, Poets Unite! LiTFUSE @10 Anthology, WA129+, and Washington...
Susan Blair aka. Perri the Poetry Fairy

Susan Blair aka. Perri the Poetry Fairy

Susan Blair aka. Perri the Poetry Fairy Susan Blair is a poet, writer, arts event organizer and award-winning speaker.  Her chapbook, “What Remains of a Life,” was published in 2018 by Finishing Line Press.  She also writes poetry for children and appears...
Jennifer Forrester

Jennifer Forrester

Jennifer Forrester Jennifer Elise Foerster is an alumna of the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA), received her MFA from the Vermont College of the Fine Arts, and is completing a PhD at the University of Denver. She is the recipient of a 2017 NEA Creative...
Samuel Green

Samuel Green

Samuel Green Samuel Green has taught at Southern Utah University, Western Wyoming Community College, Colorado College, and Seattle University (both on the Seattle campus and in Ireland) as well as 42 years as a poet-in- the-schools. Among his eleven collections of...
Rob Schlegel

Rob Schlegel

Rob Schlegel ROB SCHLEGEL is the author of The Lesser Fields (Center for Literary Publishing 2009), selected by James Longenbach for the Colorado Prize for Poetry, and January Machine (Four Way Books 2014), selected by Stephanie Burt for the Grub Street National Book...