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Terry Martin

Terry Martin

Terry Martin An avid reader and writer, Terry Martin has published hundreds of poems, essays, and articles, and three poetry books—The Light You Find (Blue Begonia Press, 2014), The Secret Language of Women (2006), and Wishboats (2000). She has also edited journals,...
Travis Naught

Travis Naught

Travis Naught Travis Laurence Naught is an author who happens to be a quadriplegic wheelchair user. He graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, 2005, and continued to complete graduate coursework in Sports Psychology, 2007. Travis spent...
Robert Pinsky

Robert Pinsky

Robert Pinsky Robert Pinsky is a poet, essayist, translator, teacher, and speaker. His first two terms as United States Poet Laureate were marked by such visible dynamism—and such national enthusiasm in response—that the Library of Congress appointed him to an...
Alexandra Teague

Alexandra Teague

Alexandra Teague Alexandra Teague is the author of the novel The Principles Behind Flotation (Skyhorse, 2017) and three books of poetry— Or What We’ll Call Desire (Persea 2019)The Wise and Foolish Builders (Persea, 2015) and Mortal Geography (Persea,...
Elinor Coghlan

Elinor Coghlan

Elinor Coghlan Elinor Coghlan is a passionate artist, writer, and musician. She is currently in 8th grade, going onto 9th, and is looking forward to a future full of art and literature. She plays the trumpet, ukulele, guitar, and is learning the french horn. She also...