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Dan Peters

Dan Peters

Dan Peters Dan Peters teaches English at Yakima Valley Community College. Since 2010, Peters has been the co-editor of Blue Begonia Press, a publisher of poetry and fine literature. His own books, published by Jim and Karen Bodeen, former editors at Blue Begonia,...
Kathleen Grimbly

Kathleen Grimbly

poets map about shows contact Kathleen Grimbly Bio Coming Soon My poetry Salmon Sermons by Kathleen Grimbly | :51 https://picturesofpoets.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Salmon-Sermons.mp3 poets map about shows...
Kevin Craft

Kevin Craft

Kevin Craft Kevin Craft lives in Seattle and directs the Written Arts Program at Everett Community College. He also teaches for the University of Washington’s Writers in Rome program, which he has led for nearly 20 years. Craft served as editor of Poetry...
Sierra Golden

Sierra Golden

Sierra Golden Sierra Golden’s debut collection The Slow Art won the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize and was published by Bear Star Press in 2018. Her poems appear in literary journals such as Prairie Schooner, Permafrost, and Ploughshares. Although Washington state is...
Kathleen Smith

Kathleen Smith

Kathleen Smith Kathleen Smith is a northwest poet with roots in Montana’s Flathead Valley. Her work has appeared in Raven Chronicles, Shrub-Steppe PoetryJournal, Windfall, Cirque, Helen: A Literary Journal, Rise Up Review, Baseball Bard, and The Far Field. She has won...