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Pamela Denchfield

Pamela Denchfield

Pamela Denchfield Pamela Denchfield came of age east of Seattle, in project housing on the banks of Cedar River. She continues to live in the Seattle area despite her historically impetuous decisions, such as irrational rafting trips and eating questionable Cambodian...
Susan J. Erickson

Susan J. Erickson

Susan J. Erickson Susan J. Erickson admits to “multiple personality syndrome” having assumed the persona of a host of women in her poems in Lauren Bacall Shares a Limousine.  She lives in Bellingham, WA, and helped establish the Sue C. Boynton Poetry Walk and Contest....
Elisa Carlsen

Elisa Carlsen

poets map about shows contact Elisa Carlsen Elisa Carlsen grew up in Humboldt County, Nevada. An outsider artist and poet, Elisa’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Trumpeter, Cirque, Brushfire, Nevada Arts Council, Oranges Journal, and elsewhere. Elisa’s...
Kathryn Hunt

Kathryn Hunt

poets map about shows contact Kathryn Hunt I live on the coast of the Salish Sea. My poems have appeared in Narrative, Orion, Missouri Review, Rattle, Terrain, Radar, and Carolina Quarterly. My poetry collection Long Way Through Ruin was published by Blue Begonia...
Ellen Bass

Ellen Bass

Ellen Bass Ellen Bass’s most recent book is Like a Beggar (Copper Canyon Press, 2014). She co-edited the groundbreaking No More Masks! An Anthology of Poems by Women and her non-fiction books include The Courage to Heal and Free Your Mind. Her poetry frequently...