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J.I. Kleinberg

J.I. Kleinberg is an artist, poet, and freelance writer. Co-author of the book Fat Stupid Ugly: One Woman’s Courage to Survive (Health Communications, Inc., 2004) and co-editor of 56 Days of August (Five Oaks Press, 2017) and Noisy Water: Poetry from Whatcom County, Washington (Other Mind Press, 2015), she holds a B.A. and M.A. in Design from U.C. Berkeley. A Pushcart nominee, she is also winner of the 2016 Ken Warfel Fellowship. Her poetry has been widely published and has appeared recently in One, Diagram, Otoliths, Raven Chronicles, Calamus Journal, and elsewhere. She lives in Bellingham, Washington, and blogs most days at chocolateisaverb.wordpress.com and thepoetrydepartment.wordpress.com.

My poetry