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Samuel Rain Benjamin

Samuel Rain Benjamin

Samuel Rain Benjamin Published writer and spoken word artist, Samuel Rain Benjamin is no stranger to the mic or to romantic poetry. Better known as Complicated Passions, he has graced spoken word stages across the country and throughout the online poetry community. A...
Michael Daley

Michael Daley

Michael Daley Michael Daley taught at Mount Vernon High School, in the Skagit Valley, from 1990 to 2012. During those years he wrote and published two books of poetry, a book of essays, a translation of Italian poems, and several chapbooks. Prior to becoming a...
Christopher Howell

Christopher Howell

Christopher Howell Christopher Howell’s latest collection of poems, Gaze, was released this spring by Milkweed Editions. His new and selected volume, Dreamless and Possible, published by the University of Washington Press in 2010, encompasses three decades of...
Maya Jewell Zeller

Maya Jewell Zeller

Maya Jewell Zeller Maya Jewell Zeller grew up in the Northwest. She has taught writing and literature to high school and college students, fourth graders, and senior citizens, and has been a writer-in-residence in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Recipient of...
Weston Morrow

Weston Morrow

Weston Morrow Weston Morrow is a writer and former print journalist. He serves as assistant poetry editor for Crab Creek Review and the intern for the Bagley Wright Lecture Series. His recent poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Western Humanities Review, Pacifica...