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Rod Nelson

Rod Nelson

Rod Nelson Rod “ Kenny”  Nelson is a spoken word poet in Central Washington. He was born in Kansas but grew up in Selah, a small town in Central Washington. After completing his education in Seattle, he returned to the Yakima Valley and has lived and worked here since...
Michael Dylan Welch

Michael Dylan Welch

Michael Dylan Welch Poet laureate of Redmond, Washington, 2013-2015. Founder of National Haiku Writing Month (www.nahaiwrimo.com), 2010. Longtime vice president of the Haiku Society of America. Cofounded Haiku North America conference, 1991, and American Haiku...
Laura Walker

Laura Walker

Laura Walker Laura WalkerLauraWalkerWriter.comConnect with me on Facebook Born in the shadow of Wyoming’s Big Horn Mountains, I rode out my adolescence in Las Vegas, rambled through my twenties in Utah, grew a decade in Eastern Washington, somehow survived SoCal, and...
Jenifer Lawrence

Jenifer Lawrence

Jenifer Lawrence Jenifer Browne Lawrence is the author of Grayling (Perugia Press), and One Hundred Steps from Shore (Blue Begonia Press). Awards include the Perugia Press Prize, the Orlando Poetry Prize, the James Hearst Poetry Prize, and the Potomac Review poetry...
Cynthia Neely

Cynthia Neely

Cynthia Neely Cynthia Neely, is the author of three chapbooks, Broken Water (winner of the Hazel Lipa Prize from Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment), Passing Through Blue Earth (winner of the Bright Hill Press Chapbook Contest) and Hopewell Bay (chosen for the...