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Kathryn Hunt

Kathryn Hunt

poets map about shows contact Kathryn Hunt I live on the coast of the Salish Sea. My poems have appeared in Narrative, Orion, Missouri Review, Rattle, Terrain, Radar, and Carolina Quarterly. My poetry collection Long Way Through Ruin was published by Blue Begonia...
Jeremy Robkin

Jeremy Robkin

poets map about shows contact Jeremy Robkin JEREMY ROBKIN has dabbled in a variety of artistic pursuits over his 57 years on the planet. In music, he favors playing the vibes, in painting, watercolor, in theater, improv. With the written word, he favors poetry. He...
Sarah Farkasosky

Sarah Farkasosky

poets map about shows contact Sarah Farkasosky Sarah Farkasosky is an aspiring poet and undergraduate student at Central Washington University where she will graduate with an English degree in June 2023. Her poetry is often autobiographical and looks for inspiration...
Emily Ransdell

Emily Ransdell

Emily Ransdell Emily Ransdell’s work has appeared in Poetry Northwest, Poet Lore, Tar River Poetry, River Styx and elsewhere. A past finalist for the Rattle Poetry Prize, Miller New Letters Prize for Poetry, and the Janet B. McCabe Award from Ruminate Magazine, she is...
Matthew Nienow

Matthew Nienow

Matthew Nienow Matthew Nienow lives in Port Townsend, Washington with his wife and two sons, where he builds boats and custom wooden paddle boards. His poems have appeared in such venues as Best New Poets (2007 and 2012), New England Review and Poetry, which awarded...