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Cindy Williams Gutiérrez

Cindy Williams Gutiérrez

Cindy Williams Gutiérrez Cindy Williams Gutiérrez is inspired by the silent and silenced voices of history and herstory. Her new poetry collection, Inlay with Nacre: The Names of Forgotten Women, was awarded the 2018 Willow Books Editor’s Choice Poetry Selection and a...
Rena Priest

Rena Priest

poets map about shows contact Rena Priest Rena Priest is a member of the Lhaq’temish (Lummi) Nation. She is the incumbent Washington State Poet Laureate and Maxine Cushing Gray Distinguished Writing Fellow. Priest is also the recipient of an Allied Arts Foundation...
Gabrielle Bates

Gabrielle Bates

Gabrielle Bates Gabrielle Bates’s poems and poetry comics have appeared in the New Yorker, Poetry, and New England Review. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she currently lives in Seattle, where she works for Open Books: A Poem Emporium; edits for Poetry...
Brittney Corrigan

Brittney Corrigan

Brittney Corrigan Brittney Corrigan was raised in Colorado but has called Portland, Oregon her home since 1990. She holds a degree from Reed College, where she is also employed. Brittney’s poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, and she is the author...
Jane Byers

Jane Byers

Jane Byers Nelson, B.C. poet, Jane Byers, “came out” with her 2ndpoetry collection, Acquired Community, in October 2016 (Caitlin Press-Dagger Editions). It is a 2017 Goldie Award Winner for Poetry and was featured on All Lit Up’s Top Ten Social Justice publications in...