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Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith Kathryn Smith is the author of the poetry collection Book of Exodus (Scablands Books) and the chapbook Chosen Companions of the Goblin, winner of the 2018 Open Country Press Chapbook Contest. Her poems have been published in Poetry Northwest,...
Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel Nance Van Winckel is the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Our Foreigner, winner of the Pacific Coast Poetry Prize (Beyond Baroque Press, 2017) and Book of No Ledge (Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series, 2016). Of her five books of...
Kristy Gledhill

Kristy Gledhill

Kristy Gledhill Kristy Gledhill is a freelance writer and poet living in Gig Harbor, Washington. Currently working her way through an MFA from Pacific Lutheran University’s Rainier Writing Workshop, Kristy’s fascination with telling the stories of place...
Joanna Thomas

Joanna Thomas

Joanna Thomas JOANNA THOMAS is a collage artist and poet, whose work has been exhibited in museums, universities, and galleries across the nation, including the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art in Florida, the New World Art Center in New York, Kent State University in...
Kathy Paul

Kathy Paul

Kathy Paul Kathy Paul is a survivor of many things, including cancer and downsizing. Her poems have appeared in Ekphrasis; Lunch Ticket; The Ekphrastic Review; Hospital Drive; Words Dance; The Fem; Stirring; and the Poetry on Buses Writing Home collection. In 2017,...