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Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith Kathryn Smith is the author of the poetry collection Book of Exodus (Scablands Books) and the chapbook Chosen Companions of the Goblin, winner of the 2018 Open Country Press Chapbook Contest. Her poems have been published in Poetry Northwest,...
Paul Lindholdt

Paul Lindholdt

Paul Lindholdt Paul Lindholdt is a native Washingtonian and a professor at Eastern Washington University. He completed his undergraduate and M.A. in English at Western Washington University before receiving his Ph.D. from Penn State University. As a writer and...
Kate Peterson

Kate Peterson

Kate Peterson Kate Peterson is originally from New Jersey, but has made Spokane her home. Her chapbook Grist won the Floating Bridge Prize and was published by Floating Bridge Press in 2016. Her poetry, prose, and interviews have been published in Sugar House...
Catherine Bull

Catherine Bull

Catherine Bull Catherine Bull’s work has appeared in FIELD, Literary Bohemian, Bellingham Review, and Switched-on-Gutenberg among others, as well as the WA-129 Anthology of Washington State poets. She has a full-length collection, Muskoxen Slow It Down, and the...
Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel Nance Van Winckel is the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Our Foreigner, winner of the Pacific Coast Poetry Prize (Beyond Baroque Press, 2017) and Book of No Ledge (Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series, 2016). Of her five books of...