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Michael Dylan Welch

Michael Dylan Welch

Michael Dylan Welch Poet laureate of Redmond, Washington, 2013-2015. Founder of National Haiku Writing Month (www.nahaiwrimo.com), 2010. Longtime vice president of the Haiku Society of America. Cofounded Haiku North America conference, 1991, and American Haiku...
J.I. Kleinberg

J.I. Kleinberg

J.I. Kleinberg J.I. Kleinberg is an artist, poet, and freelance writer. Co-author of the book Fat Stupid Ugly: One Woman’s Courage to Survive (Health Communications, Inc., 2004) and co-editor of 56 Days of August (Five Oaks Press, 2017) and Noisy Water: Poetry from...
Maya Jewell Zeller

Maya Jewell Zeller

Maya Jewell Zeller Maya Jewell Zeller grew up in the Northwest. She has taught writing and literature to high school and college students, fourth graders, and senior citizens, and has been a writer-in-residence in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Recipient of...
Clem Starck

Clem Starck

Clem Starck Clemens Starck was born in Rochester, New York, in 1937. After dropping out of Princeton, he continued his education on the road, riding freight trains and working at a variety of jobs around the country. He has been a ranch hand in eastern Oregon, a...
Michael Daley

Michael Daley

Michael Daley Michael Daley taught at Mount Vernon High School, in the Skagit Valley, from 1990 to 2012. During those years he wrote and published two books of poetry, a book of essays, a translation of Italian poems, and several chapbooks. Prior to becoming a...