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CMarie Fuhrman

CMarie Fuhrman

CMarie Fuhrman CMarie Fuhrman is the co-editor of the anthology Native Voices(Tupelo 2019) and the forthcoming chapbook of poems Camped Beneath the Dam (Floodgate 2020).  Her poetry has appeared in The Yellow Medicine Review, Cutthroat a Journal of the Arts, Whitefish...
Elizabeth Austen

Elizabeth Austen

Elizabeth Austen Elizabeth Austen is a Seattle-based poet, performer and teacher. She served as the Washington State poet laureate for 2014-16, and as KUOW public radio’s poetry commentator for nearly 20 years. Watch Elizabeth performing at Town Hall Seattle. Watch...
Rob Schlegel

Rob Schlegel

Rob Schlegel ROB SCHLEGEL is the author of The Lesser Fields (Center for Literary Publishing 2009), selected by James Longenbach for the Colorado Prize for Poetry, and January Machine (Four Way Books 2014), selected by Stephanie Burt for the Grub Street National Book...
Ed Stover

Ed Stover

Ed Stover Ed Stover is a Sunnyside native who enjoyed a 40-year career as a daily newspaper journalist throughout the Pacific Northwest. He is happily retired and lives in Yakima where he enjoys being involved in the Central Washington poetry community. He also hikes...
Kelly Schirmann

Kelly Schirmann

Kelly Schirmann KELLY SCHIRMANN is a poet, essayist, musician, and ceramicist from Northern California. She is the author of Popular Music (Black Ocean) and the co-author of Nature Machine (Poor Claudia), as well as several other chapbooks and collaborations. She is...