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Rod Nelson

Rod Nelson

Rod Nelson Rod “ Kenny”  Nelson is a spoken word poet in Central Washington. He was born in Kansas but grew up in Selah, a small town in Central Washington. After completing his education in Seattle, he returned to the Yakima Valley and has lived and worked here since...
Samuel Rain Benjamin

Samuel Rain Benjamin

Samuel Rain Benjamin Published writer and spoken word artist, Samuel Rain Benjamin is no stranger to the mic or to romantic poetry. Better known as Complicated Passions, he has graced spoken word stages across the country and throughout the online poetry community. A...
Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel Nance Van Winckel is the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Our Foreigner, winner of the Pacific Coast Poetry Prize (Beyond Baroque Press, 2017) and Book of No Ledge (Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series, 2016). Of her five books of...
Michael Dylan Welch

Michael Dylan Welch

Michael Dylan Welch Poet laureate of Redmond, Washington, 2013-2015. Founder of National Haiku Writing Month (www.nahaiwrimo.com), 2010. Longtime vice president of the Haiku Society of America. Cofounded Haiku North America conference, 1991, and American Haiku...
Laura LeHew

Laura LeHew

Laura LeHew Widely published Laura LeHew’s current collections include: Buyer’s Remorse (Tiger’s Eye Press), Becoming (Another New Calligraphy) a non-linear discourse on alcoholism and dementia, Willingly Would I Burn (MoonPath Press), It’s Always Night, It Always...