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Pamela Denchfield

Pamela Denchfield

Pamela Denchfield Pamela Denchfield came of age east of Seattle, in project housing on the banks of Cedar River. She continues to live in the Seattle area despite her historically impetuous decisions, such as irrational rafting trips and eating questionable Cambodian...
Weston Morrow

Weston Morrow

Weston Morrow Weston Morrow is a writer and former print journalist. He serves as assistant poetry editor for Crab Creek Review and the intern for the Bagley Wright Lecture Series. His recent poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Western Humanities Review, Pacifica...
Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith Kathryn Smith is the author of the poetry collection Book of Exodus (Scablands Books) and the chapbook Chosen Companions of the Goblin, winner of the 2018 Open Country Press Chapbook Contest. Her poems have been published in Poetry Northwest,...
Jeremy Robkin

Jeremy Robkin

poets map about shows contact Jeremy Robkin JEREMY ROBKIN has dabbled in a variety of artistic pursuits over his 57 years on the planet. In music, he favors playing the vibes, in painting, watercolor, in theater, improv. With the written word, he favors poetry. He...
Sarah Farkasosky

Sarah Farkasosky

poets map about shows contact Sarah Farkasosky Sarah Farkasosky is an aspiring poet and undergraduate student at Central Washington University where she will graduate with an English degree in June 2023. Her poetry is often autobiographical and looks for inspiration...