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Carlos Medina

Carlos Medina

Carlos Medina Carlos Medina is a poet and Dominican at large. His work explores humor, and the nuance it takes to love complicated characters. At the time of this writing, he lives somewhere in the northwest. My poetry Birdface and Brother's Transfiguration by...
Jenna Fox

Jenna Fox

Jenna Fox Jenna Fox is a queer adoptee writer and educator described by her community college students as, “sympathetic, but with a blunt sense of humor.”  My poetry Bones of My Grandma by Jenna Fox | :59...
Nicole Renee La Follette

Nicole Renee La Follette

Nicole Renee La Follette Nicole Renée La Follette [Victor of the people • Reborn • Little fool (feminine)] Born in 1967 in Seattle, Nicole was raised in Marin County, studied and worked in France, Canada and Australia. With an epic love for the Pacific N.W., she...
Brittney Corrigan

Brittney Corrigan

Brittney Corrigan Brittney Corrigan was raised in Colorado but has called Portland, Oregon her home since 1990. She holds a degree from Reed College, where she is also employed. Brittney’s poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, and she is the author...