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Greg Gerding

Greg Gerding

Greg Gerding Greg Gerding began writing in 1994 at age 22 and cut his teeth reading at open mics in the DC area. He started a weekly open mic in bar Hell (Adams Morgan) which he ran for two years. The poems Greg reads here are selections from his book, Loser Makes...
Zoie Morgan

Zoie Morgan

Zoie Morgan Zoie Morgan is a young writer who published her first book in August, 2019, at fifteen years old. Unfolding My Paper Heart can be found on Amazon, and she is currently working on getting it into local bookstores around Washington State. Despite being so...
Emily Gwinn

Emily Gwinn

Emily Gwinn Emily Gwinn is a Resource Coordinator at Dishman Hills High School. Β In 2016 she co-edited a collection of poetry about motherhood called β€œAll We Can Hold” and in 2014 represented Spokane at the National Poetry Slam. Β Her poetry has been featured in print...
M. L. Smoker

M. L. Smoker

M. L. Smoker M.L. Smoker belongs to the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes of the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana. She holds an MFA from the University of Montana in Missoula, where she was the recipient of the Richard Hugo Fellowship. Her first collection of...
Finn Menzies

Finn Menzies

Finn Menzies Finn Menzies is an elementary school teacher, poet, tarot reader, and workshop facilitator in Seattle, WA. Teaching is both his spiritual practice and his activism. Finn received his M.F.A. in Poetry from Mills College in California.Β His debut full-length...