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Gary Copeland Lilley

Gary Copeland Lilley

poets map about shows contact Gary Copeland Lilley Gary Copeland Lilley is the author of eight books of poetry, the most recent being The Bushman’s Medicine Show (Lost Horse Press, 2017), and a chapbook, The Hog Killing (Blue Horse Press, 2018). He is originally from...
Gabrielle Bates

Gabrielle Bates

Gabrielle Bates Gabrielle Bates’s poems and poetry comics have appeared in the New Yorker, Poetry, and New England Review. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she currently lives in Seattle, where she works for Open Books: A Poem Emporium; edits for Poetry...
Marie Marchand

Marie Marchand

poets map about shows contact Marie Marchand Marie Marchand has been writing poetry for 35 years to find healing for herself and the world. In April 2022, she was named the first Poet Laureate of Ellensburg, WA. Her poetry has been published in Crannóg Magazine,...
Jessica Gigot

Jessica Gigot

Jessica Gigot Jessica Gigot is a poet, farmer, teacher and musician. She has a small farm in Bow, WA called Harmony Fields that makes artisan sheep cheese and grows organic herbs. Jessica has lived in the Skagit Valley for over ten years and is deeply connected to the...
Janaka Stucky

Janaka Stucky

Janaka Stucky Janaka Stucky is a mystic poet, performer, and publisher. The founding editor of Black Ocean, as well as the annual poetry journal, Handsome, he is also the author of a few poetry collections. His poems have appeared in such journals as Denver Quarterly,...