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Laura Woods

Laura Woods

poets map about shows contact Laura Woods “As soon as I knew how to write, I used poems and short stories to help me process the world around me. They are my private diary and I rarely share my work. This poem is one of my favorites, inspired by a quote from my...
Lauren Gilmore

Lauren Gilmore

poets map about shows contact Lauren Gilmore Lauren Gilmore was born and raised in Spokane, WA. She writes poems, stories, and love letters, some of which have been read by other people. The 2013 Spokane Poetry Grand Slam champion, she has performed in various venues...
Lauren Imbrock

Lauren Imbrock

poets map about shows contact Lauren Imbrock PLATINUM L is a writer based in Seattle. She is the author of Art Anchorite (The Network, 2021). Her work has been featured in Khmerican and the International Examiner. PLATINUM L earned her BA in Art with minors in...
Laurie Klein

Laurie Klein

Laurie Klein Laurie Klein writes poetry, prose, songs, and a weekly blog. Where the Sky Opens is her first book. Previous work has appeared widely in literary journals, anthologies, online zines, a chapbook, hymnals, and recordings. Klein wrote the classic praise...
Lily Baumgart

Lily Baumgart

Lily Baumgart Lily Baumgart is Seattle’s 2017-2018 Youth Poet Laureate. Before being the Youth Poet Laureate, Baumgart was in the finalists cohort for the 2016-2017 YPL season. She also was a part of the inaugural Jack Straw Young Writers Program 2015-2016. She...