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Mathias Svalina

Mathias Svalina is a writer & artist. His primary current project is the Dream Delivery Service, a nomadic literary arts project of permeable dreaming, delivering daily dreams to subscribers for a month at a time. The Dream Delivery Service developed a dream-audiotour of the city of Denver with the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art, & has worked with the Poetry Foundation, the University of Arizona Poetry Center, Austin Modern, Tucson MOCA, among others. He is the author of seven books of mostly poetry, most recently The Depression (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2020), a collaboration with the photographer Jon Pack of photographs & fables that explores life with chronic depression, & America at Play (Trident Press, 2020), a collection of instructions for absurdist children’s games. He is currently at work on a surrealist cookbook, with the photographer Jon Pack. 

My poetry